Thank you JD, Katelyn and Richard for the nominations for Speaker of the House.
Good afternoon everyone.
I’ve been frequently asked the question “Why are you running Len”? Honestly, I didn’t even plan to run for my representative seat, as this past term, I had become very disillusioned and sometimes disgusted by the actions of some in our caucus. It was my trusted wife Deb who believed I should return. As we discussed whether I should run for my 5th term, she said “You know, you have gathered a lifetime of experiences in a wide variety of areas. You are here now, at this time, for a reason. You have torun again, and you must run for the Speaker position”.
As you seen frequently in our emails, letters and website, “Restoring Trust and Integrity” back into the House is my top priority and the most significant reason for my return to the House. THAT will be my premier focus when I get your acknowledgment to be your Speaker.
Another frequent question was “What are your legislative priorities”? My answer is different than how others may have responded. The legislative priorities will not be set by myself, but rather from YOU, the members, in a bottom-up fashion, not by top-down dictates or priorities set by a few individuals, or on behalf of special interests. I’m pretty sure we all agree on some basic issues: a fiscally sane, balanced budget, eliminating sanctuary cities, controlling our borders and codifying parental rights. But priority one, as your Speaker, will be to focus on procedural and process issues. Some examples:
• House Sessions will be run on time and efficiently, and we will require decorum in the House Chamber.
• Your leadership team will be about effective and meaningful communication to the members of the House.
• It’s going to be about ensuring all who want to understand what they are voting on have a chance to do so by discussing the legislation thoroughly prior to the vote, rather than cramming in a few minutes just before a House Session.
• Our pre-session survey questions will not be written in a way meant to sway you in a certain direction, rather, written to get your honest opinions.
• And finally, and above all, Restoring Trust and Integrity into our Republican Caucus.
Lastly, as an airline pilot, some inquired as to how I would have the time for the Speaker’s position. During my last 8 years in the House, I have flown on weekends and until this past April had never missed a single House session. That includes last term when I was on three committees, Labor, Finance and Redistricting. Additionally I served as Senior Advisor in the Majority Office….all at the request of the current Speaker. Going forward, as an extremely senior pilot (seniority #28 out of 16,500 pilots), I have the ability to build my flying schedule to go where I want, when I want, or not fly at all. This December, as an example, I have a“no fly schedule” with the entire month available for House duties, no flying required. Again, my priority will be Speaker of the House, period.
Most of you know I’m a conservative guy, both fiscally and socially. Over the last few years, I have watched both Florida and Iowa go from states that were purple and trending blue, to bright red states. The reason for that strong transition are the two individuals leading the charge, Governors Ron DeSantis and Kim Reynolds. These are true conservative republicans who reversed their bluing trend by strongly standing up against insane DEI and other leftist dogma. Their citizens agreed and followed them. THIS is what true leadership does.
They didn’t cower and bend to those on the far left over fear of losing a reelection. They didn’t compromise their core Republican and Conservative principles just so they could get reelected. Compromise where they could? Certainly, but not on core platform issues. Instead, they took the radical left head-on and the citizens followed.
So, the decision before you becomes straight forward. If you want a State that remains purple, slowly trends further blue into an inevitable liberal death spiral, stay the course. And if not, choose leadership that you believe will permanently reverse that trajectory.
This past summer, I was having a discussion with a non-legislator, but an individual who is greatly in tune with this place. I was explaining how my campaign was receiving support from those throughout our Republican political spectrum, and that seemed surprising to me. He asked me “do you know why that is?” I said “No, why?”. He said “its because this is not about politics Len, this is about leadership.” I believe THAT, was a very perceptive observation.
I have mentioned “trust and integrity” a lot. Here are just a coupleexamples of leadership that are rooted in that theme:
• I won’t claim credit for that which I didn’t do. Those getting the job done will receive the acknowledgement.
• The actions of members of my leadership team and I will unify our caucus, not create situations that intentionally divide it.
• When you ask me or a member of my leadership a question, we will give YOU the same truthful answer we will give to someone who may be on the opposite side of the issue. Trust requires honesty.There will be no toleration for deception or lies.
• And, we will not make contracts and promises on your behalf without first obtaining your input.
Members elect, the vote you are about to take is not a popularity contest. It’s about which type of leadership model you want to have. We just witnessed a national election where our citizens spoke very loudly that they wanted a sea-change in the direction of the country. I think we need the same here.
In my last floor speech this past June, those of you returning may recall I ended that speech with the following: I said “Will you vote for legislation that is ethical….or will you not.” Now, I’ll end this speech with a similar question: “Is it important to you that ALL Republican members of the House be viewed as trustworthy, ethical and with integrity?” If you do, then I would ask for, and be thankful for, your vote.